Chemical pump best chemical handling pump
Chemical pumps are designed to transfer chemicals and are manufactured to be resistant to corrosive and abrasive industrial liquids. They are designed and constructed to handle substances with varying levels of viscosity, corrosiveness, and abrasiveness. Chemical pumps are constructed to transfer and move chemicals and chemical slurries from one place to another place safely. The main purpose of the chemical pump is to transfer chemicals in industries from one place to another without any leakage.
Many industries have designed and manufactured chemical pumps but they cannot fulfill the customer’s need. Industries which manufactured the chemical pumps do not provide the high quality of chemical pump. The customers are not satisfied with a chemical pump because of the lower performance of the pump. As per the desired capacity, some pumps are not capable enough to transfer the chemicals.
Sujal Engineering provides the high-quality chemical pump for transferring chemicals from one container to another container. Chemicals like fuel, paint, bleach, solvents, etc. are easily transfer using the chemical pump without leaking. Our uniquely manufactured chemical pumps are the most effective pumps in the current market. We used high-quality raw materials in the creation of the chemical pump that can increase the efficiency and strength of the chemical pump to transferring liquids.Technical specification:
Type: Centrifugal Pump (with Semi-Open Impeller)
Capacity: up to 48 m3/hr
Head: up to 60 Meter
Pressure: up to 6 kg/cm2
Size: 25 mm to 65 mm
Speed: up to 3500 rpm
Temperature: up to 135° C
C M.O.C.: CI, CS, SS304 / 316, SS 304 L/316L, Alloy 20, Hast alloy B or C,CD4MCU, etc.
Chemical pumps are used to transferring chemicals effectively. For transporting hot and cold liquids from one place to another place. The chemical pump is used in ceramic industries, chemical plants, pharmaceutical industries, petroleum industries, food industries, paper, and pulp industries etc. the chemical pump is also used in acid transferring and slurry transfer.
We have various types of chemical pumps as per the chemical properties with the different purpose. We are well known for producing a variety of chemical pumps for efficiently transferring fluids, chemicals, and other liquid from one place to another. We provide high pressure and robust construction of chemical pumps for transporting slurries and chemicals.
Our chemical pump is able to run at lower motor speed. So that less power is used by the chemical pump. Chemical pumps manufactured by Sujal Engineering are having high quality and low maintenance. Our chemical pumps are specially manufactured to assure that they are able to handle various types of liquids. If you have any requirement of chemical pumps for chemical applications feel free to contact us.
For more details and other industrial pumps information visit our website: